*Sakya Monastery, Kalimpong* *Sakya Centre* *Sakya Nunnery, Dehradun*
*Sakya Academy* *Melody of Dharma* *Tsechen Kunchab Ling* *Sachen Archive Initiative*
*Children’s Dharma Education Curriculum* *Sakya College*
*Vajrayogini Meditation Centre* *Vajrayana Sakya Manjushri Center* *The Sakya Tradition*
“In 2018, we faced many challenges as a growing foundation, but also made some major progress. Our website got a new look. We built our board of directors and team. And thanks to our generous donors, we completed our inaugural grant cycle. Sachen Foundation received $292,995 in donations, from people in 7 countries and 13 states in the United States. Under the guidance of His Holiness the 42nd Sakya Trizin, the following six recipients were awarded grants for the 2019 term: Sakya Centre Education Department, Sakya Academy, Sakya Nunnery, Kalimpong Sakya Monastery, Melody of Dharma magazine, and Tsechen Kunchab Ling…”
“In the past year, we have increased the Sachen Fund thereby assisting us to continue implementing our important works, aspirations, and expanding our pool of beneficiaries. In addition, we have launched the Sachen Archive Initiative, an archive arm of the foundation charged with preserving and archiving the precious teachings and translations of prayers, sadhanas, etc. in multiple languages within our lineage. I continue to be proud of the accomplishments under the leadership of Sachen Foundation, through whose efforts have helped over 500 monks and nuns gain access to a Dharmic and secular education…”
“Dharma is becoming more relevant in our modern scientific world as vast new knowledge are discovered about reality, the ever-changing universe, and insights into the human brain. The view and mind training teachings in Buddhadharma can also be beneficial considering the developing and expanding mental health challenges faced by many today. This presents an opportunity and responsibility for us to share the wisdom and skillful methods of the Buddhadharma in ways that can reach people who are searching and can be benefited.
During 2020, under the guidance of His Holiness the 42nd Sakya Trizin, Sachen Foundation’s focus evolved to incorporate the use of technology in the development of Dharma education programs for the lay community. This is in addition to our continued mission to provide grants for traditional and modernized monastic Dharma education. You will learn about these efforts in more detail in this annual report…”
“At Sachen Foundation, we focused on developing an online Dharma curriculum in 2021, to make it easier to share Dharma with Dharma centers and the public. Thanks to our team of dedicated volunteers and participating overseas Sakya Centers, we rolled out the first video teaching series of “A Garland of Jewels” by His Holiness the 42nd Sakya Trizin Ratna Vajra Rinpoche, through Sachen Foundation’s “Thus Have I Heard” program. The vision of the “Thus Have I Heard” program is to develop a systematic Dharma education curriculum, taught by His Holiness the 42nd Sakya Trizin, and make it available to the public in different languages. “A Garland of Jewels” is the first of these teaching series and has subtitles in English, Chinese, German, Dutch, and French. It is currently available to the public on Sachen Foundation’s Teachable platform…”
“At Sachen Foundation, we were grateful for the stability of our recurring donors, so that we could ride the wave of the market downturn in 2022. We stayed on course in our long-term investment strategies and were able to provide consistent grants to our grantees. Internally, we were grateful for the guidance of His Holiness the 42nd Sakya Trizin, and for our reliable and tireless team of volunteers, who kept our Program expenses and General and Administrative expenses as low and as consistent as possible.”
Click here to watch the video of His Holiness message and read the complete report.