An Abridged Puja of Homage and Offerings to the Sthaviras
This Abridged Puja to the 16 Arhats (Skt. Ṣoḍaśa Sthavirāḥ) assists us in successfully accomplishing our Dharma practice and in the propagation of the Dharma for the benefit of beings. Additionally, through our prayers combined with pure motivation the accomplishments of our holy Teachers’ aspirations will be fulfilled and their long and healthy lives ensured. The published text contains, in addition to the ritual itself, common preliminary, long life, dedication and aspiration prayers.
* Multiple versions are available to download.
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This is a free publication and work may be copied or printed for fair use, but only with full attribution, and not for commercial advantage or personal compensation. Translator attributions are found after each translated work where applicable. May be revised periodically for corrections, update translations, formatting, etc.
Typos happen. If you discover a mistake or error in either the Tibetan or English texts notify us at archive@sachenfoundation.
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v.1 An Abridged Puja of Homage and Offerings to the Sthaviras (with Supplementary Prayers)
Published by Sakya Phuntsok Ling (2018)
Size: 6 x 9 in
v.2 The Short Puja of Prostrations and Offerings to the Sthaviras
English only
Size: 8.27 x 11.69 in
v.3 The Short Puja of Prostrations and Offerings to the Sthaviras
English with Tibetan phonetics
Size: 11.69 x 8.27 in
v.4 The Short Puja of Prostrations and Offerings to the Sthaviras
Translated by Lama Choedak Rinpoche (1993), revised in 2002.
Published by Sakya Losal Choe Dzong (1993, 1998, 2002).
English with Tibetan phonetics
Size: 8.27 x 11.69 in
v.5 The Liturgy of the Concise Puja of Prostrations to the Sthaviras together with Offerings
Translated by the Ganesha Press Tibetan translation team (2008)
English with Tibetan phonetics
Size: 13.39 x 3.74 in